BA Week 3

This week I decided to work on my loom in shorter increments, working slower with better craft in mind.  I think overall, it was successful, as the outcome of it definitely looks better crafted. Although craft is what we as artists usually strive for, I’m not positive if that’s actually the direction I need to take with this. 
As of now I have completed two looms, so now I can see how I would like them to relate, I already carried on the same color pattern to the next, so now I could think about actually playing with connecting the looms. This idea comes from Ana Barboza, although I have found inspiration from here work in previous weeks, as I actually complete her similar process I find even more of an influence. 
This week our reading discusses fear and its root. Fears can keep an artist from doing their best work as well as not doing what they really want, while worrying about what others will think. Sometimes, I get caught up in the aspect of finding others approval of my artwork, like a almost only want to make art that make others, like my friends, impressed. I think I fall into the category of worrying about what others think. I think even this semester in portfolio I have already been challenging myself to not care about what others thoughts are on my medium, because looming probably isn’t one of the most “challenging” looking processes out their, but I don’t need others to define that for me. The reading also discusses artists getting caught up in the ideas of meaningful art, like “what art is” and defining art. I like how he/she states that we should be asking “what is art making”, as for many, the process can be where our content is found, like myself. The reading then goes into talent. Talent is something I have kind of relate with artist. But its true, creating art doesn’t take talent, it takes a goal and a reason. In the end, when you have created your portfolio, no one is going to sit there and think about whether or not this was from natural talent or strived talent, no one cares. Perfection is the next, perfection just basically shouldn’t be in your vocabulary, because its just not possible. Art needs error to find its flaws to progress. We are human, perfection is impossible. The reading discusses expectations and how we can read too far into it. My favorite thing said was that the place to learn about your materials, is the last use of your materials. Its so true, quit worrying about the outcome, reflect on what was done last, and keep making more. This reading has been so full of wonderful ideas, especially ones that I think about all the time. Its funny because most of the things they talk about are internal fears we all have as artists. Its nice to know I’m not the only one with these thoughts, or that having these thoughts make me any less of an artist. 


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