BA Week 1
This week in the studio was exciting yet also stressful. I definitely did not wait until the last minute to begin creating things but I felt so much pressure to create that at first I was not having fun with it. Once I really started getting into it, it became a lot more exciting for me. Eventually, I couldn’t even put it down, I realized how awesome it was just seeing the results and progress of my time.
So far, Ana Teresa Barboza’s work has had the most influence on me and what I have created so far. Her work inspires me and pushes me to create in a similar process that she does. I think her work as a whole is beautiful, but what I most enjoy about her work is her use of space within the actual surface of the loom. Her use of negative space I think takes what would be a simple wall decoration to a piece of art as it creates time in space as it forces your eye to move throughout the surface.
I found the reading this week extremely informative and useful. It actually answered a lot of questions and concerns I have been thinking about. I think it will help influence my work in how I view it, and what I can take from it. Recently, I have realized how important it actually is to try your hardest in making your work right now because soon, their won't be anyone to give you advice or tell you where to go next.
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