BA Week 8
This week in the studio I worked on my large scale loom. I have had thoughts about leaving it and starting a new one, but I felt like i needed to take it further. I added a gray/blue color this week and its starting to create depth and form. I enjoy all the of the relationships that I am making through color, composition, and material. I hope to finish this loom up within the next few weeks, and start on another one. I have also been thinking of ways to create my looms into standing 3D objects, to act as a sculpture, possibly by leaving my tapestries on the actual loom. An artist i have been looking into is Jo Deeley. Jo creates sculptural objects out of textiles. She finds a lot of her content in her process as well as explores the use of traditional methods with contemporary mediums. The reading this week is extremely insightful. It begins by taking about balancing your time as an artist, which is really important to me. In my life, too much of anyt...